Elmwood Charter Township Township Board of Trustees - 2/13/2017

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Township Board of Trustees Regular Meeting
Monday, February 13, 2017 6:00 PM



FEBRUARY 13, 2017

1. Call to Order (00:00:12)
2. Pledge of Allegiance (00:00:14)
3. Roll Call (00:00:16)
4. Declaration of Conflict of Interest (00:00:18)
5. Public Hearing/Amendment to the Parks and Recreation Plan (00:00:20)
6. Public Comment (00:03:40)
7. Consent Calendar (00:14:19)

The purpose of the Consent Calendar is to expedite business by grouping non-controversial items together to be dealt with in one Board motion without discussion. Any member of the public, board, or staff may ask that any item of the consent calendar be removed and placed elsewhere on the agenda for full discussion.

Department Reports: Committee Reports: Minutes:

Treasurer Joint Mtg. 1-4-17 Jan. 9, 2016


PC Annual Report

Post Audit Invoices 1-13-17 thru 2-2-17

8. Agenda Approval (00:15:38)
9. Reports/Presentations (00:19:55)
a. Supervisor Remarks (00:19:56)
b. Trustee Remarks (00:23:29)
c. Engineer's Report (00:33:42)
d. Other Officer Remarks (00:33:44)
e. Communications From the Clerk (00:43:52)
10. Old Business (00:43:53)
a. Consideration of the Cost Recovery Ordinance
b. Parks and Recreation Plan Amendment (00:43:54)
11. New Business (00:44:06)
a. Water Reliability Study Contracts/Cost Estimates (00:54:20)
b. Leelanau County 800MHz Radio User Agreement (00:44:17)
c. Bruce Lee Request to Purchase Township Property (01:01:02)
d. Timberlee Watermain Easements/Title Search (01:12:40)
e. Tart Trail/Michigander Bike Tour (01:20:06)
f. Fire Department Billing Update (01:23:59)
g. Board Thoughts on Food Trucks in Elmwood Township (01:25:03)
12. Payment of Invoices (01:46:01)
13. Extended Public Comment (01:46:03)
14. Adjournment (01:46:06)