Charter Township of Garfield Township Board of Trustees - 4/23/2019

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Township Board of Trustees Regular Meeting
Tuesday, April 23, 2019 6:00 PM
1. ORDER OF BUSINESS (00:00:01)

Call meeting to order

Pledge of Allegiance

Roll call of Board Members

2. Public Comment (00:00:40)
3. Review and approval of the Agenda - Conflict of Interest (00:01:02)
4. Consent Calendar (00:02:21)

The purpose of the Consent calendar is to expedite business by grouping non-controversial items together to be dealt with in one Board motion without discussion. Any member of the Board, staff or the public may ask that any item on the Consent Calendar be removed there from and placed elsewhere on the Agenda for full discussion. Such requests will be automatically respected. If any item is not removed from the Consent Calendar, the action noted in parentheses on the Agenda is approved by a single Board action adopting the Consent Calendar.

a. Minutes - April 9, 2019 (Recommend Approval)
b. Bills -

(i) General Fund $257,789.74

(Recommend Approval)


Developer's Escrow Fund - Storm Water Reviews $ 5,791.25

Developer's Escrow Fund - Utility Plan Review,

Oversight & Closeout 1,000.00

Utility Receiving Fund 3,209.25

Total $10,000.50

(Recommend Approval)

(iii)All Traffic Solutions Inc. - Renewal Invoice$ 1,562.50

Adding time on TraffiCloud to expire on 6/14/2020

(Recommend Approval)

c. MTT Update (Receive and File)
d. PD 2019-42 First Amendment to 2018 5-Yr Parks and Recreation Master Plan - Introduction and schedule a Public Hearing for May 14, 2019 (Recommend Approval)
e. PD 2019-43 Amendment to Parkland Ordinance Prohibiting Marijuana Smoking - Introduction and schedule a Public Hearing for May 14, 2019 (Recommend Approval)
5. Items Removed from the Consent Calendar (00:05:09)
6. Correspondence (00:06:21)
a. Email from Stephen Maas regarding Ordinance No. 74
7. Reports
a. Construction Report (00:06:44)
b. GT Metro Report (00:16:03)
c. Northflight EMS Report (00:25:46)
d. County Commissioner's Report (00:31:18)
e. Personnel Committee's Report (00:35:21)
f. Treasurer's Report (00:36:02)
g. Supervisor's Report (00:39:43)
8. Unfinished Business
a. Public Hearing - PD 2019-38 - Recreational Marijuana Establishments Opt-Out Ordinance (00:45:12)
b. Public Hearing - PD 2019-39 - Amending Fireworks Ordinance (No. 67) (00:49:20)
c. PD 2019-45 - Silver Lake Recreation Area (SLRA) Capital Improvements (00:56:00)
9. New Business
a. Consideration of Boiler System Removal/Replacement bids for the Township Hall Boiler (01:26:55)
b. Consideration of Audit Firm bids (01:38:46)
c. PD 2019-44 - Boardman Valley Nature Preserve (BVNP) Pickleball Courts Policy (01:43:47)
d. Consideration of support for a Letter of Tax Abatement support (01:47:50)
10. Public Comment (02:04:33)
11. Other Business (02:05:26)
12. Adjournment (02:07:03)