Grand Traverse County Meeting List

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Traverse Area Community Media keeps Grand Traverse County meetings online for two years after the meeting date. you may also use our Find Meetings page to look for specific meetings.

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Parks and Recreation Commission Parks and Recreation Master Plan Community Input Meetings
Thursday, October 26, 2017 3:00 PM
1. Introduction to Grand Traverse County Parks and Recreation (Staff)
2. Audience Introductions (Participants)
3. Activity Overview (Staff)
4. Answer General Questions (Participants)
a. How many of you have visited a County park in the last year?
b. How many of you have visited a County park in the last three months?
c. How would you like to see County parks funded?
5. Visit Park Stations and Answer Specific Questions (Participants)(Common/similar responses will be grouped together at each station)
a. What do you like most about this park?
b. What do you not like about this park?
c. What improvements would you like to see at this park?
6. Adjourn